Our spoilage policy can be defined as screen printed or embroidered garments that did not pass our quality control.
Spoilage percentage is based on the amount of locations that a garment requires as well as the difficulty of the execution. Artwork complexity, difficult fabric, and technical positioning are all factors to consider when reviewing spoilage percentage. With all things considered, our spoilage policy is 5% although our historical average has been closer to 2% on the average of orders we produce.
This is simply an acceptable margin of error. In custom manufacturing, we reserve the right to be excused on 5% of an order that are distinctly different than the correctly printed or embroidered items. This could be the result of thread breaks on the machine or a misprint on press. In the instance of identifying a spoiled garment, the item is removed from your order and repurposed for sample fabric.
A large percentage of our customer base are reselling the apparel and/or using them as employee wear. We take the stance of passing off quality merchandise that we stand behind which is why we do not included spoiled garments in an order unless we find it professionally reasonable to do so.
Example: 100 Garments 0rdered and 3 small shirts are misprinted. This passes our spoilage policy as 97% of the order was complete although the smalls faced a higher concentrated loss of goods.
Unless specifically requested on the order that an exact quantity is needed, a customer would not qualify for a reprint of the 3 small shirts although they would be refunded. Items removed from your invoice occur after production is complete and during the shipping stage. Upon updating invoice to reflect accurate correct quantities shipped, the customer will be able to view the final count and balance on the invoice.
Should there be spoiled goods, the front office will provide a credit or refund on your invoice. In the circumstance that the misprint percentage is greater than 5% of your total order, then you may qualify for having the individual items replaced with a reproduction order or a refund. If you already plan to place a reorder and you would just like those misprinted items included in that run, that would not be a problem. If the misprint quantity is less than 5%, Garment Decor reserves the right to refuse re-production of the spoiled garments. In the event of a misprint on a customer supplied good, Garment Decor will only refund the cost of decoration up to 5% and the customer would be responsible for the cost associated with the blank.
Should the spoilage exceed 5%, Garment Decor will take responsibility of the blank product cost. Prior to accepting customer supplied goods and confirming an order, customers must provide an order confirmation with an official wholesale value of the products they are supplying for any spoilage policy to be applicable.
Due to the wholesale nature of bulk production and cost effective pricing, we reserve the right to refuse accepting customer supplied products should the ratio of blank product cost significantly out weight the production charges associated with decorating such an expensive garment.
Should the above occur, we encourage Garment Decor to supply the blank products to ensure the spoilage policy can be upheld. Due to human labor required in production and order shipping, there is less than a 1% chance that a garment or item defect could have made it past our quality control and been included in your overall job.
Although rare, if this is the case with your order, please contact us. Garment Decor will not be responsible for profit loss on spoilage.